Virtual Art Competition for Volunteers
Here are the results of the above competition, some truly talented work. The winning entries and all the exhibits are displayed below So that all volunteers were free to enter judging was done by the lovely ladies who run the West End House Art Gallery in Smarden,...
RDA Drivers “LOCKDOWN" VIRTUAL ART COMPETITION CONGRATULATIONS During the summer the Drivers from both our Monday and Wednesday Groups were set a challenge to enter a 'Virtual Art Competition' similar to the real one held every summer during our Fun Day activities,...
Tricia’s News
And I thought I was going to get a chance to read some books……. At the start of the year I had enjoyed going onto the yard to lunge George and Teddy. George was especially good to lunge and was coming along nicely. They were both getting back into work mode and come...
Newsletter 3
Newsletter 2
Lockdown Newsletter 1
News from Kaara
For me lockdown has been very busy! When lockdown began we had just embarked upon a house build! Over three years in the planning but finally real progress can be seen. In addition to joint project manager I found my experimenting with the trials tribulations of...
News from Susi Anderson (Group Organiser)
Although the RDA ponies have been furloughed since mid April, I have continued to keep Hector ticking over. After lockdown we stopped all riding and driving in line with advice and any exercise was done in hand only. After a week’s rest and a replacement lost shoe we...
THANK YOU to everyone who sent in articles for the newsletters and to all our members, volunteers and loyal supporters for your continued commitment and loyalty to the group and for your understanding and messages of encouragement all of which have and are greatly appreciated. We hope next year will be kinder to us all and we will see many of you at the yard where we can thank you in person.